Art: pp014

Набор химических пилингов №11
Набор для профессионального ухода специально разработан для интенсивного омоложения и восстановления кожи, сочетает высокоэффективные химические пилинги и средства для регенерации. Этот комплекс обеспечивает всестороннее очищение, восстановление и лифтинг кожи, подходящий для различных типов кожи, включая зрелую и проблемную.


Art: pp013

Набор химических пилингов №10
Набор для профессионального ухода сочетает эффективные химические пилинги и средства для регенерации кожи, которые комплексно решают различные эстетические проблемы и улучшают состояние кожи. Этот набор подходит для работы с разными типами кожи.


Art: pp012

Набор химических пилингов №9
Набор для профессионального ухода разработан для эффективного восстановления кожи, сочетает пилинги и средства для регенерации, которые обеспечивают комплексное решение для улучшения состояния кожи лица. Этот набор идеально подходит для работы с разными типами кожи.


Art: pp011

Набор химических пилингов №8
Набор созданн для эффективной коррекции кожных недостатков, сочетает химические пилинги с трихлоруксусной кислотой (ТСА) и стимуляторами регенерации, подходящими для устранения широкого спектра эстетических проблем.


Art: pp010

Набор химических пилингов №7
Универсальный набор для профессионального ухода – это полный комплекс процедур, позволяющий решать широкий спектр косметологических проблем кожи. Сочетание разнообразных пилингов, средств для восстановления и солнцезащитного крема обеспечивает индивидуальный подход к уходу за кожей, что делает его максимально эффективным для любого типа кожи.


Art: 1112

Set No. 2 "Intensive rejuvenating procedure for the eye contour with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"
Set No. 2 "Intensive rejuvenating procedure for the eye contour with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles" We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
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Art: 1113

Set No. 3 "Balancing treatment for oily and combination skin"
Set No. 3 "Balancing treatment for oily and combination skin" We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
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Art: 1115

Set No. 5 "Rejuvenating modeling procedure with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"
Set No. 5 "Rejuvenating modeling procedure with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"

We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
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Art: 1116

Set No. 6 "Intensive whitening procedure"
Set No. 6 "Intensive whitening procedure"

We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.

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Art: 1117

Set No. 7 "Cleansing ultra-renewing procedure for all skin types"
Set No. 7 "Cleansing ultra-renewing procedure for all skin types"

We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.

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Art: 1120

Set No. 10 "Procedure for correcting the consequences of acne"
The procedure actively regenerates the skin. Normalizes the secretion of sebum. Intensively moisturizes, softens and reduces flaking. Restores structure and evens out skin tone. Returns radiance, brightens. Effective in getting rid of scars.
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Art: 1122

Set No. 11 "Intensive anti-inflammatory procedure for problem skin"
The procedure is well suited for problematic skin prone to inflammation. Intensively cleanses and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Restores and provides prevention of acne.
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Art: 1119

Deep cleansing treatment for all skin types. When working with problem skin, it improves its general condition, reduces oily sheen, prevents the appearance of acne, and narrows pores. Soothes and softens.
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Art: SA004

Basic complex of products for eliminating acne and inflammation for problem skin
The basic complex of products for eliminating acne and inflammation for problem skin is designed to cleanse, treat and restore oily, combination and rash-prone skin, as well as skin with demodicosis. The set provides deep cleansing of pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
$43 $61
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Art: SPM12

Complex. Intensive correction of facial wrinkles
The Botolifter Serum against expression wrinkles + Enhancer G2 Serum-activator complex was developed by Piel Cosmetics technologists to enhance the effectiveness of the fight against facial wrinkles and provide a visible effect without injections.
$32 $49
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Art: SPM02

Intensive moisturizing complex
If your skin is tired and dehydrated and you need intensive and effective care, Intensive Moisturizing Complex is a perfect remedy. BRILLIANCE Ultra-Moisturizing Cream-Mask of immediate effect is good for tired, dehydrated and dull skin. The mask will help you to look brilliant, if you have only 15 minutes to brush up. Specialiste Moisturizing Eye Mask prevents moisture loss, improves skin elast
$28 $43
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Art: MM005

Comlex: Fight fagainst the first signs of aging
A set against the first age-related skin changes, which are characterized by the appearance of barely noticeable mimic wrinkles, loss of previous elasticity, loss of youthful shine and freshness. Timely use of special cosmetics will prolong the youthfulness of the skin, slow down the process of its wilting, and also eliminate its first visible manifestations. During this period, it is very important to choose the right care - one that would provide a comprehensive effect and improve the general condition of the skin, give it the necessary nutrition and promote active regeneration. Such skin also requires additional protection. To solve the above problems, a complex "Fight against the first signs" was created.
$44 $63
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Art: 0344

Антивозрастной увлажняющий спрей для лица Silver Spray Travel
Silver Aqua Spray Travel Size Спрей для відновлення молодості шкіри 100мл
$5 $8
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Art: 016s

Ultra Hand Cream Крем для ультрасухой кожи рук Тестер
Руки часто в воде? Кожа постоянно пересыхает, есть микротрещинки, часто шелушится и иногда раздражена до боли? Крем моментально вернет коже чувство комфорта, снимет раздражение и шелушение, уберет растрескивание кожи и ощущение стянутости.
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Art: 0421s

Gel Thermage Regeneration stimulator
The gel instantly restores the skin at all levels and thanks to this it becomes a panacea in many problematic cases: from acne to skin dullness. For a quick recovery of a healthy state, a unique, indispensable tool for everyone - perfectly complements the care. Improves skin quality, restores healthy radiance, prevents skin damage from UV rays in summer and restores hypothermia in winter.
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Art: 045s

4D Elixir DNA of youth calming complex for very sensitive skin
Cellular enegry for weak skin and DNA protection - You skin is always in comfort
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