Art: pp011

Набор химических пилингов №8
Набор созданн для эффективной коррекции кожных недостатков, сочетает химические пилинги с трихлоруксусной кислотой (ТСА) и стимуляторами регенерации, подходящими для устранения широкого спектра эстетических проблем.


Art: pp010

Набор химических пилингов №7
Универсальный набор для профессионального ухода – это полный комплекс процедур, позволяющий решать широкий спектр косметологических проблем кожи. Сочетание разнообразных пилингов, средств для восстановления и солнцезащитного крема обеспечивает индивидуальный подход к уходу за кожей, что делает его максимально эффективным для любого типа кожи.


Art: 1115

Set No. 5 "Rejuvenating modeling procedure with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"
Set No. 5 "Rejuvenating modeling procedure with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"

We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
UAH 506
1-click order


Art: 1116

Set No. 6 "Intensive whitening procedure"
Set No. 6 "Intensive whitening procedure"

We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.

UAH 416
1-click order


Art: SPM14

Complex: Protection and correction of hyperpigmentation (active summer)
The complex provides the necessary protection of the skin from ultraviolet light during the active summer sun. Inhibits increased melanin production and the development of hyperpigmentation.
UAH 2 341 UAH 3 344
1-click order


Art: SPM10

Complex. Hyperpigmentation correction (winter)

The complex inhibits the increased production of melanin and hyperpigmentation, whitens the skin, provides the necessary protection from ultraviolet light.

UAH 2 066 UAH 2 952
1-click order


Art: SPM09

Complex: correction of hyperpigmentation and sun protection (summer)

The complex provides the necessary protection of the skin from ultraviolet light. Inhibits increased melanin production and the development of hyperpigmentation.

UAH 2 213 UAH 3 162
1-click order


Art: SPM03

Comlex. Fighting with pigmentation
Pigment spots on face and neck upset us a lot. If scattered and hardly noticeable freckles on a young skin look charming, like “a cherry on top”, hyperpigmentation in the form of noticeable spots (especially on the mature skin) does not contribute to our beauty. Pigment spots are the problem of not only the mature skin – they appear in the result of hormonal changes (for example,
UAH 1 466 UAH 2 094
1-click order


Art: proc_alg

Профессиональный набор для антикупорозной процедуры
Профессиональный набор для эффективного решения проблем кожи с куперозом и диффузными покраснениями.


Art: SPM16

Care for correction of pigmentation and protection against photoaging
The basic complex of pigmentation correction products is produced to cleanse, moisturize and protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Inhibits increased production of melanin and the formation of hyperpigmentation. Cosmetologists at Piel Cosmetics have developed a complex to safely whiten and protect skin prone to hyperpigmentation.
UAH 3 078 UAH 4 328
1-click order


Art: 0452s

Piel Cosmetics Whitening Serum against pigment spots "Illuminos Specialiste"
Whitening effect, eliminates traces of pigment spots and make them less severe, brightens skin and evens out its tone.
UAH 50
1-click order


Art: 0471s

Miniature Skin Firming & Tightening Mask LIFTING
Complex lifting-care. Enhances facial contour, struggling wrinkles and gives inner power.
UAH 55
1-click order


Art: 040s

Miniature DETOX Detoxing Night Cream for all skin types
Restores healthy complexion and color
UAH 55
1-click order



Art: 004s

Matte Cream SPF 20 Day Cream with Matting Effect mini

An unusual combination of alpha hydroxy acid (AHAs) and SPF-filters provides an integrated effect: it smoothes the surface of the skin and evens out the skin tone, removes oily shine and at the same time protects from UV radiation.

UAH 55
1-click order
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