Art: 041

Botolifter Serum Serum against expression wrinkles

Provides a stable correction of facial wrinkles, not only relaxing facial muscles, but also lifting wrinkles from the inside.

€ 19 € 25
1-click order


Art: 032

Duolift Cream Day / Night lifting cream with herbal estrogens
Thanks to the combination of biotechnological ingredients and phyto complexes, the cream slows down both menopausal and biological aging, reversing processes in the skin to a younger level.
€ 25 € 33
1-click order



Art: 004

Matte Cream SPF 20 Day Cream with Matting Effect

An unusual combination of alpha hydroxy acid (AHAs) and SPF-filters provides an integrated effect: it smoothes the surface of the skin and evens out the skin tone, removes oily shine and at the same time protects from UV radiation.

€ 14 € 19
1-click order


Art: 031

Anti-Wrinkle Cream Day/night cream against the first wrinkles
Plant estrogens in the cream slow down the biological aging and fight the causes of age-related changes without any side effects common to the actual hormones.
€ 18 € 24
1-click order


Art: 025

Eye Cream SPF 15 Activating eye contour day сream

Because of the combination of the active ingredients and the sunscreen factor, the cream effectively prevents aging caused by the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation.

€ 17 € 23
1-click order


Art: 024

Hydra-Repair Cream Day/Night Repair Cream
The lamellar base of the cream fills the voids in the keratinized layer of the skin, which are formed under the influence of the aggressive factors. Thus, the product restores the skin's natural defensive properties and prevents dehydration. Intensively moisturizes and stimulates regeneration processes.
€ 16 € 22
1-click order


Art: 023

Gialur Magnifique Eye Serum Activating Serum with collagen and silk for the eye contour

Creating the effect of a biological reinforcement, the serum maintains the tonus at the level of the young skin and eliminates the early appearance of wrinkles.

€ 19


Art: 022

Gialur Magnifique Serum Activating serum with collagen and silk
Because of the combination of hyaluronic acid and proteins, the serum not only provides the prevention of aging, but also eliminates the first wrinkles.
€ 19 € 25
1-click order


Art: 021

Mesoprof Serum Ultra revitalizing serum

Serum prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, stimulating its cells to produce the energy necessary for the daily resistance against the damaging factors.

€ 18 € 24
1-click order


Art: 050

Moisturizing Body Spray Intensively moisturizing body spray with the ylang-ylang oil

Apart from moisturizing and toning, the product has the effect of microlifting – if applied regularly, it makes the skin more resilient and lifted.

€ 6 € 9
1-click order


Art: 0479s

Мініверсія Маска з АХА кислотами Aha-peel 4мл
Мініверсія Маска з АХА кислотами Aha-peel 4мл
€ 1
1-click order


Art: 0478s

Мініверсія Маска з вітаміном С C-glow 4мл
Мініверсія Маска з вітаміном С C-glow 4мл
€ 1
1-click order



Art: 0416s

Професійна сироватка для відновлення молодості шкіри Retigen Serum tester 2мл
Професійна сироватка для відновлення молодості шкіри Retigen Serum tester 2мл
€ 1
1-click order



Art: 0415s

Професійна сироватка з вітаміном С C-Intense Serum tester 2мл
Професійна сироватка з вітаміном С C-Intense Serum tester 2мл
€ 1
1-click order


Art: 1128

Профеcсиональная сыворотка для востановления молодости кожи Retigen Serum
Професійна сироватка для відновлення молодості шкіри Retigen Serum


Art: 1102

Профессиональная сыворотка с витамином C (C-Intense Serum)
Професійна сироватка з вітаміном С C-Intense Serum


Art: 1005

Профессиональный ультраувлажняющий крем для лица Destress Cream
Професійний ультразволожуючий крем для обличчя DESTRESS CREAM


Art: 0421

Gel Thermage Regeneration stimulator
The gel instantly restores the skin at all levels and thanks to this it becomes a panacea in many problematic cases: from acne to skin dullness. For a quick recovery of a healthy state, a unique, indispensable tool for everyone - perfectly complements the care. Improves skin quality, restores healthy radiance, prevents skin damage from UV rays in summer and restores hypothermia in winter.
€ 22 € 29
1-click order


Art: 049

Lash Elixir Serum elixir for the restoration and growth of eyelashes and eyebrows

Serum is equally effective for both eyebrows and eyelashes, and during eyelash extension as well. Unlike many other products that provide intensive hair growth, it does not contain hormonal ingredients.

€ 22 € 32
1-click order
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