Dry skin

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Dry skin

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Art: 11477

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Art: 2477

Профессиональная питательная крем-маска Nutrition Mask
Питает и защищает кожу лита любого типа и возраста. Насыщает необходимыми элементами.


Art: 041

Botolifter Serum Serum against expression wrinkles

Provides a stable correction of facial wrinkles, not only relaxing facial muscles, but also lifting wrinkles from the inside.

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Art: 11475

Purpose: product for intensive moisturizing for all skin types. Description: transparent gel with a discreet and pleasant odor. Active ingredients: glycerin, Aloe Vera juice,  Hydraporine, Artemia Salina biocomplex, hyaluronic acid, colloidal nanosilver.  Effects: the mask provides a perfect instantaneous, deep and long-lasting hydration at a cellular level. It restores the mois
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Art: 2475

Сильная увлажняющая гель-маска Ultramoister Mask
Насыщает клетки кожи лица влагой и защищает от обезвоживания и сухости. Улучшенный тонус лица.


Art: 0452

Illuminos Serum Intensive whitening serum
Works in three directions simultaneously: inhibits the production of pigment, prevents the pigment from entering the skin cells in large quantities and exfoliates cells already saturated with pigment.
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Art: 11474

REGENERATION Mask Professional
Renewed, soft and smooth skin, nice color and even tone.
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Art: 2474

Профессиональна регенерирующая гель-маска для лица Regeneration Mask
Восстанавливающее, увлажняющее и питательное средство для всех типов кожи.


Art: 11471

PROFESSIONAL Skin Firming & Tightening Mask LIFTING
PROFESSIONAL Skin Firming & Tightening Mask LIFTING
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Art: 2471

Профессиональная лифтинг-маска с отбеливающим эффектом Lifting Mask
Омолаживает, подтягивает контур и улучшает овал лица.


Art: 11472

PROFESSIONAL Mask for Stressed & Sensitive Skin CALM
intensive care product for sensitive skin and skin with couperosis.
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Art: 048

Hair Elixir Serum elixir for hair strengthening and growth
Possesses a triple effect: improves the condition of the scalp, stimulates hair growth and strengthens them.
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Art: 2472

Профессиональна успокаивающая крем-маска от раздражений Calm Mask
Устраняет следы раздражений, выравнивает цвет, укрепляет природную защиту, устраняет чувство дискомфорта.


Art: 0481

Macadami Repair Serum Repairing serum for hair tips

Unlike  products with silicone, the use of which leads to fragility over time, the serum provides 24-hour care and protection to the tips without damaging them or making them heavier.

$15 $17
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Art: 05341

Moisturizing Body Milk Velvet Green Tea

The lamellar base of the milk restores the protective functions of the skin of the body, which is exposed everyday to the aggressive effects of chlorinated hard water.

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Art: 702

Косметическое средство RESULT «Hand Sanitizer»
Ищешь эффективный и безопасный антисептик с продолжительным эффектом, альтернативу спиртовым, и чтобы заживлял микротрещины от них?
$3 $7
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Art: 704

Система защиты для масок «SILVESTER - Active Ag+Cu»
Хочешь, чтобы маска была реальной защитой, а не средой для бактерий (при дыхании ткань увлажняется теплым воздухом) и могла служить дольше? Абсолютно безопасная и гипоаллергенная для вас система защиты, сделает ткань маски эффективной преградой на пути бактерий и вирусов, продлит время безопасного ношения.
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Art: 7006

Маска трикотажная многоразовая в клетку
Маска трикотажная многоразовая в клетку.
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Art: 1111

Set of miniatures for procedures Piel Cosmetics
Set No. 1 "Intensive moisturizing for dry and dehydrated skin" We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
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Art: 1112

Set No. 2 "Intensive rejuvenating procedure for the eye contour with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"
Set No. 2 "Intensive rejuvenating procedure for the eye contour with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles" We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
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Art: 1115

Set No. 5 "Rejuvenating modeling procedure with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"
Set No. 5 "Rejuvenating modeling procedure with the effect of muscle relaxation against mimic wrinkles"

We do not always have the opportunity and time to visit a beautician. However, it is necessary to maintain the beauty and health of the skin regularly. For this we have specially developed personal sets.
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