Skin restoration and regeneration

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Skin restoration and regeneration

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Art: 0416T

Cыворотка c ретинолом Retigen Serum mini
Cыворотка для восстановления молодости кожи Retigen Serum mini
UAH 713 UAH 950
1-click order


Art: 036T

Сыворотка для проблемной кожи Salvation Serum mini
Помимо активной коррекции воспалительных элементов, сыворотка стимулирует реструктуризацию дермы и процессы заживления, что защищает кожу от развития рубцов постакне.
UAH 467 UAH 622
1-click order


Art: 0479

Маска з АХА кислотами Aha-peel
Маска з АХА кислотами Aha-peel 75мл
UAH 701 UAH 935
1-click order




Art: 0416

Сыворотка с ретинолом Retigen Serum
Сыворотка с ретинолом Retigen Serum 
UAH 1 187 UAH 1 583
1-click order


Art: 0474

Regeneration Mask Regeneration gel mask

Top mask for restoring and moisturizing the skin. SOS remedy for dullness, dryness, peeling, stress. It will return the skin to a healthy and well-groomed appearance even under the most difficult circumstances.

UAH 802 UAH 1 145
1-click order


Art: 021

Mesoprof Serum Ultra revitalizing serum

Serum prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, stimulating its cells to produce the energy necessary for the daily resistance against the damaging factors.

UAH 818 UAH 1 091
1-click order



Art: 0416s

Професійна сироватка для відновлення молодості шкіри Retigen Serum tester 2мл
Професійна сироватка для відновлення молодості шкіри Retigen Serum tester 2мл
UAH 55
1-click order


Art: 0421

Gel Thermage Regeneration stimulator
The gel instantly restores the skin at all levels and thanks to this it becomes a panacea in many problematic cases: from acne to skin dullness. For a quick recovery of a healthy state, a unique, indispensable tool for everyone - perfectly complements the care. Improves skin quality, restores healthy radiance, prevents skin damage from UV rays in summer and restores hypothermia in winter.
UAH 985 UAH 1 313
1-click order



Art: SPM05

Comlex: Detox
Everyone is familiar with the term “stressed” or “tired” skin. Our pace of life affects the skin health. Especially this is the case of women who live in big cities. Polluted air, ultraviolet, free radicals and poor water quality negatively affect the skin. Sleep deprivation, unhealthy diet, steady stress, bad habits, environment – all of these factors negatively affe
UAH 1 456 UAH 2 080
1-click order


Art: 042

Booster Serum Enhancer "G2" for enhancing cosmetics care effect
Do you want to enhance the effect of your favorite cosmetic product and make home care a salon experience? The serum will deliver the active ingredients to the deeper layers and significantly increase the effect.
UAH 692 UAH 923
1-click order


Art: 040

Detox Cream Night regenerating cream with a peeling effect
One course of use (8 weeks) of the cream eliminates a complex of aesthetic problems while significantly improving the appearance of the skin and its condition.
UAH 780 UAH 1 040
1-click order


Art: 045

4D Elixir DNA of youth calming complex for very sensitive skin
Cellular enegry for your skin and DNA protection. Forget about irritations, redness, rash provoked by skin sensitivity. Serum will bring back comfort to your skin by increasing its total resistance.
UAH 1 067 UAH 1 423
1-click order


Art: MG005

Complex: Hydration and Recovery for dull skin
If your skin has lost its former radiance, and the complexion has become dull, then the specially designed Moisturizing and Restoring Dull Skin Complex for dull skin will help restore shine and a healthy complexion. Designed to intensely hydrate and restore even ultra-dry, sensitive and irritated skin.

Regenerating mask-gel REGENERATION Provides intense and long-lasting hydration of the skin, restores firmness and elasticity, strengthens natural protection, prolongs youth.

Ultra revitalizing elixir-serum MESOPROF revitalizing elixir-serum for the face. Intensively moisturizes, restores the skin, energizes. For all skin types.

HYDRA-REPAIR Revitalizing Face Cream is designed to intensely hydrate and restore even ultra-dry, sensitive and irritated skin. The cream is so effective that it is also recommended to use it after active cosmetic procedures as a soothing, healing and protective agent - in situations where the skin needs active healing and renewal.

UAH 2 264 UAH 3 234
1-click order


Art: SPM11

Complex. Intensive care for problem-prone skin
The Salvation Serum and Enhancer G2 Serum complex was developed by Piel Cosmetics technologists to accelerate detoxification, inflammation, and healing.
UAH 1 273 UAH 1 959
1-click order


Art: 036

Salvation Serum for the problematic skin

Apart from the active correction of inflammatory elements, the serum stimulates the restructuring of the dermis and the healing processes, protecting the skin from the development of post-acne scars.

UAH 777 UAH 1 036
1-click order


Art: 046

Detox Peeling Mask Cleansing cream mask with a peeling effect

The effect of cleansing and light peeling is noticeable already after the first application. The creamy base of the mask makes it suitable for all skin types, including the sensitive skin (without excessive reactivity).

UAH 780 UAH 1 040
1-click order


Art: pp016

Набор химических пилингов №13
Набор для профессионального ухода – это комплекс высокоэффективных процедур для интенсивного омоложения и обновления кожи. Сочетание химических пилингов со средствами регенерации кожи позволяет глубоко очищать, выравнивать рельеф и повышать упругость, обеспечивая заметные результаты уже после первого использования.


Art: pp015

Набор химических пилингов №12
Набор для профессионального ухода сочетает мягкие, но эффективные химические пилинги и средства для интенсивного восстановления кожи. Этот комплекс обеспечивает глубокую очистку, деликатное отшелушивание и стимуляцию регенерации, что делает его идеальным для всех типов кожи, включая чувствительную.


Art: pp014

Набор химических пилингов №11
Набор для профессионального ухода специально разработан для интенсивного омоложения и восстановления кожи, сочетает высокоэффективные химические пилинги и средства для регенерации. Этот комплекс обеспечивает всестороннее очищение, восстановление и лифтинг кожи, подходящий для различных типов кожи, включая зрелую и проблемную.
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